Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm back in America!!

Niger was the most amazing experience of my life. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but it was completely worth it. God is really working in the lives of the Zerma people. This last week has been crazy. We were really sad to tell our village goodbye, knowing that we may never see them again. I really hope someday I can go back and see the people who have become my family these last two months. I got my hair braided again, this time a woman did it who is more experienced braiding white girls hair. It took over 5 hours! So much has happened this past week but the biggest thing was all the illnesses. Tiffany, Dani, Cody, and I all got Malaria. It was awful we felt like death and at some points were wishing death upon oursevles. But we all got medicine and are doing much better!!! Please just continune to pray for the Zerma people. Pray that God will send more peole there to work with them.

Thank you all so much for your prayer and support the last two months. I am so happy to be home and getting back to a normal routine. I can't wait for my next big adventure...maybe Europe next summer? or somewhere else in Africa? I really want to go everywhere and see everything! I want to tell everyone around the world about the God that I serve! I should have pictures up on facebook in a few days so make sure you check them out!

Oh yah and so far no reverse culture shock! haha We were all nervous about it but I'm great. We went out to dinner, shopping, movies everything and it's all good! :) I hope everyone else on the team is doing great too! Mom did make me go to an infectious disease doctor today since I had so many things wrong with me over there...but he said everything was great!